As of 2022, The national art gallery had acquired a total of 18 of Ismail Hashim’s work between the period 1974-2012. (14 photography,1 watercolor,1 pencil on paper, 1 oil painting and 1 ink on paper).

painter but moved to photography during the Seventies. He is one of the small handful of serious artistic photographers who have helped change attitudes towards photography in this country.

 His works have certainly enhanced the public view of photography as a highly serious art form. He used to teach graphis design at the Universiti Sains Malaysia in Penang until his recent retirement. His works are much in demand these days but he still remains an artist who takes his own time in creating his works. He remains the unhurried perfectionist.

His involvement has been with the capturing and recording of situations, shapes and things that belong to a rapidly vanishing world. There is understandably a strong sense of nostalgia evoked by his hand-tinted photographs. But his approach has always been marked by a sense of realism rather than sentimentalism”

-Masterpieces from the National Art Gallery of Malaysia, 2002.