“The Last Lin”
My family name, Lin has always been a dear part of me. It is an interesting topic of conversation, and a cherished piece of my heritage. However, as far as my small family goes, I am the youngest and last addition to the Lins, and since I am a woman, my children will not be given my name.
“The Last Lin” features a number of hands and arms holding or handing out objects that symbolize or are replicas of what my ancestors have handed down to me, from my distinctive features to my culture. The hands featured are cast from my remaining family members, so that the whole form of the artwork illustrates how my ancestors are handing out pieces of me, to me. I think of it as them cheering me on as the last Lin of the family. The larger picture is that I’m instilling awareness amongst the youths regarding heritage, and that no matter how out of touch we are as a modern society towards these customs, it’s still important to know where we came from and remember the people who literally made us.
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