Dhakshini Jeganathan
University Malaya Library
This art installation is like many different art installations put together, as each page of this book is an independent interactive artwork by itself. ‘The surreal book of ideas’ art installation is an interactive moving art installation that the public can play and interact with. This humongous art installation is like a giant size book that people can walk into. But the design of the book is surrealistic. It does not follow the design and binding structure of a regular book. Instead, I try to deconstruct the design and binding structure of a regular book, and even the shape of pages in the book, to make the book more inviting and fun for the audience. Every page of the book is a moving painting that the public can move and interact with. The pages of the book will be like layers forming the artistic setting of a theatre performance on stage.
Imagination is the limit to the possibilities and interactions with this moving book. It breaks boundaries and brings the stories of the book to life and reach out to the audience. I came up with this idea as an effort to make education and information shared by books to be fun and inviting for people. In hopes that elements of this idea can later be inculcated in schools and universities to make education fun for students. This artwork is dedicated to people of all age groups and all walks of life. It also focuses on making art inclusive of differently abled people, visually impaired people, elders and children. The tangible line structures make it possible for visually impaired people to draw by the sense of touch. This is a multidimensional art work. There is an intricate design on every side of the work. The entire structure of the art from top view forms a peacock design. But below the peacock design, every peacock feather you can view from the top, holds a page of this surrealistic book.
Each of this page contains its own intricate moving painting and a unique story. Each feather of the peacock has a page of the surreal book attached to it and extends down to the floor. As the feathers move horizontally, the pages of the book moves like flipping of the book. You can see that there are 3 peacocks here. The big one on the left of the image holds 6 pages of the book and has artworks for the adults and people from all walks of life to move in and interact with. The right side of the image has 2 smaller peacocks sharing the same body. This 2nd peacock structure is at a lesser height of around 4 feet from the ground and the pages their feathers hold, caters specially for children. The details of the various pages are given below.