In 2020, the national art gallery acquired 3 short documentary videos, produced by Mahen Bala, this piece is one of them.
This documentary was shot in Kuala Terengganu and Kuala Lumpur, it is a short video produced to compliment the premier of the Unvealing the Unseen (1937-1971) Exhibition of Sultan Ismail Nasiruddin coordinated by YM Raja Ihsan at the at the Islamic Art Museum back in 2017.
The acquisition of the video was made to compliment the 4 earlier collection of Sultan Ismail Nasirruddin Shah, giving an expanded context and its history for the future generation.
‘’Mahen Bala is a Malaysian documentarian and visual artist who has worked on documenting Malaysian culture and history for more than a decade. His primary interest is in investigating the human experience, and how memory shapes personal and communal constructs of history.’’ –